Day 7 - Monday, June 12, 2023 - Wrangell

We arrived in Port around 7:00 a.m. this morning. 
What a change from Ketchikan. Wrangell is a sleepy town of about 2,000 people and not a tourist hot spot.
At the dock there were a few people selling crafts and a number of children selling garnets. Only children are allowed to harvest the garnets that are in this area. I did buy one as a souvenir.
We walked a short distance to a great museum that is packed with history and artifacts. On the way back it started to mist so we didn't do much more sightseeing in town. 
In the afternoon it cleared up and we walked to the petroglyph historic site. There are numerous ancient petrographs although nobody knows who made them or exactly what the purpose was. We also saw three or four young bald eagles flying around in a nest near the shore.
In the evening we watched the movie Call of the Wild with Harrison Ford on the pool deck. It would be "under the stars" except it was still light out at 10:00 p.m.


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